Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Shakeology Cleanse Day 2

Okay so first off, update on the finish of Day 1.  I was extremely surprised by how easy it was to get through it!  Well I did go into it with a super positive attitude because I knew Shakeology was extremely healthy for me and drinking it 3 times a day for 3 days was certainly not depriving myself of nutrients!  I had my water with me at ALL times and I did get hungry around lunch and dinner, but drank my shake and felt much better afterwards!  I had a little moment around 5-5:30 where I was thinking about food, but it passed!  Then you are supposed to have a salad with some protein in it.  I was debating whether or not to do this, but decided I should have something small since I did workout for over an hour earlier.  I had 1/2 cup of garbanzo beans (protein) and 1 cup of cucumbers cut up with 1 tbsp extra light virgin olive oil and some spices without salt.  It was just enough!  Plus I did drink my 2 cups of green tea throughout the day!  Right before bed I drank my Senna tea (I decided to add the salt water flush to my cleanse for a couple days).  Slept great, went to bed early though!  This morning I woke up feeling fabulous, no grumbling tummy! So I did the salt water flush and WOW, I'm not sharing the TMI but holy shit, lol.  I am now drinking some coffee, black of course, for my morning boost, and I'm going to have my shakeology for breakfast!  I even have energy to workout! 

Weight update....Yesterday morning 141.8.....This morning....138.4.....WOW!!!!!!

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