Monday, July 25, 2011

Curious...just a little...what's this Beachbody job all about? Read on..

I've had several people tell me they had heard from someone Beachbody was just another pyramid scheme. All I can say is please educate YOURSELVES! It is a known fact: certain people cannot see happiness and improvement amongst others...
Please take the time to read the information below...Educate yourselves, and act on it!  

As a Beachbody Coach, you provide online support to people who are interested in getting fit, specifically with BeachBody workout DVD’s and supplements. You get to be the cheerleader for others, stay accountable for your goals and make extra income.  
How do you fund this business? 
The cost to become a Coach is so minimal it is only $39.95 to sign up. That includes your Coach/Business informational kit that gets you started. It also includes your Coach website, which is the online hub where your customers can place orders, you gain sales leads, you get an online profile, marketing tools and much more. You also get another website that helps you sell your nutritional supplements too. Your online profile also helps you track your personal fitness goals.  You get recipes, access to an online community where you can chat with other coaches as well as friends who are getting fit with BeachBody.
Then after that it’s only $14.95/month, which is just a small fee for them to maintain your website. There are absolutely no hidden fees, scams, or inventories.
It’s NOT a Sales Pitch, Get Rich Scheme, Pyramid thing.
We do not claim to have a MIRACLE cure, a MIRACLE device or a MIRACLE money making opportunity.
What WE DO guarantee is that if you DECIDE, regardless of fears and doubts…. and COMMIT (stay with it when the going gets tough) you WILL SUCCEED. Yes, it’s going take some work, sweat and probably some tears as you say good bye to “comfortable” yet destructive behaviors… and that goes for both your fitness and your business. And it might even mean saying good-bye to people who are destructive either emotionally or physically in your life. But I can guarantee you that you will not be alone in it. And it will be worth it.
As far as the pyramid scheme…. (that was what I called my management job….. think about it),…. no it’s not a get rich quick, BEG and CHASE all your friends and family and high-jack every stranger you see and invite them to some mysterious meeting where they get bombarded with some guys who want to know everyone you know. ICK.  I would not promote something to hurt others, I want to HELP people!
Now, let’s be clear, we are a NETWORK.  But before you roll your eyes and delete me and block my Facebook,  take a minute to listen to what I’m going to tell you. We definitely are not one to beg and drag anyone into this. This is a volunteer army on a mission to help people get physically and financially fit... physically fit being the emphasis. And it starts with you.
Are you telling me that you or someone you know and love is not hurting emotionally, physically and/or financially?  Are you telling me that you are going to sit back and watch them die slowly, watch their hope die, their bodies and their life knowing that all you have to do is SHARE something that COULD (and will) change their life if they are ready?
What we are about is really loving people. I have made so many friends, REAL friends, from this business.  If you don’t love people and have a desire to help them, then this is probably not for you. For me, IT’S MY DUTY and giving back for the second chances and the blessings that I have in my life.

and of course, the genius himself...

"I believe life is constantly testing us for our level of commitment, and life's 
greatest rewards are reserved for those who demonstrate a never-ending 
commitment to act until they achieve. This level of resolve can move mountains, but it must be constant and consistent. As simplistic as this may 
sound, it is still the common denominator separating those who live their 
dreams from those who live in regret." 
— Anthony Robbins

"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." 
— Anthony Robbins


"It is your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny." 
— Anthony Robbins

Every since I started to ignore negative, bitter people and had let go of fear, I have accomplished so much! I have seen results. I have met AWESOME people and listed to their stories. I am absolutely and TRULY living life to the fullest. 
NO STRINGS ATTACHED!  Ask me how you can start and I will help you get on the path to Success! 

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