Wednesday, July 22, 2015

How to love your body

In a society where stick thin models are portrayed everywhere, it is hard for most women to look at their bodies and actually love them.  I often find myself looking at what I don't like about myself, rather than focusing on the good.  Can you relate? I'm on a mission to start loving my body instead of hating it for what it isn't.  I just wanted to share some tips that I find useful in that journey and hope to help others do the same. :)

1. Stop comparing yourself to others

Yes, you've probably heard this one before, but it's TRUE!  You are YOU and your body is unique in itself.  That's the beauty of it, you have your own look and you can rock it as you choose.  What's most important is that you are being healthy and exercising and trust me, as long as you are making those choices then your body will love you back.  Just be the best version of YOU.

2.  Stop the self hate talk

Do you ever look at yourself in the mirror and say eww look at my "--------"  or you are talking to your friend or someone and you say how fat you look in something or I don't like this about myself, etc etc.  I know it's hard, I do it sometimes too, but you have to make a conscious effort to stop the negative talk to yourself.  As the mind is a powerful thing, so we must feed it positively.

3. Start focusing on things you like about yourself
Every day you should look in the mirror and say at least ONE positive thing about you.  Even if it's not about your body, something you like about yourself.  That will help boost your confidence.  Remember it's OKAY to love you!

4.  Take care of YOU

A lot of us have families, husbands, jobs, etc etc and we often put ourselves last.  While it's good to love and take care of others, you also have to do the same for you!  Eat healthy, exercise, and give yourself a treat every now and again, whether it a pedicure, new hair, or just a new outfit, something that makes you feel good inside.

5.  Realize you can't be perfect

Heads up, NO ONE on this earth is perfect.  No matter what you see on magazines, TV, or anywhere, everyone has their own flaws and that's okay.  The more you accept who you are and embrace your beauty, inside and out, the better you will feel.  

Remember, love, respect, and take care of your body, you only have one. <3

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Only need half the serving size?  Here's a quick tip!  :)

Lettuce Chicken Wraps

Grilled or baked chicken cut into pieces (1 Red)
Romaine lettuce leaves and red peppers (1 Green)
Hummus (1/2 blue)

Cut up chicken and peppers, mix together with hummus and spread over 3 romaine lettuce leaves.

I added 1 purple of fresh strawberries and blueberries for a nice summer lunch.  SO GOOD and filling!  

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

SUPER exciting!  The 21 Day Fix has been a wonderful program helping MANY people lose weight and get healthy without counting calories.  The only thing missing was a cookbook with recipes and now it's FINALLY available!  100 recipes all fix approved making it even easier for people to cook for their families!  Get it now at  

Don't have the fix?  You can get the program there too!

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Happy 1st Day of July!  
It's a brand new month for you to start fresh!  
Are you ready to step up your game?

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

5 Advantages of drinking water in the morning

Try drinking at least 8 ounces of water as soon as you wake up, do it for at least a week and see how you feel! 

Monday, June 29, 2015

Monday Motivation

Nothing cures the Monday blahs, then a great workout!  Get up and get moving, you're body will thank you!